Estas Tonne

Merch | Estas TonneThis musical experience somehow naturally occurred during my travels all over the planet in 2012 while feeling the call to “stretch” and extent already existing songs, improvising with the intensity of sound as well as “letting the strings tell stories…During enormous amounts of sessions, which range from 1 hour to 5 hours I’ve seen and felt an incredible magic … it didn’t matter where this experience took place. It has always been like a miracle. A transformation of thought into eternal smiling silence – at meditation festivals, yoga retreats, street festivals, concerts, mental institutes, elderly houses, small house gatherings and huge parties. See for more.

The Song of the Golden Dragon

Between Fire and Water

Cuban Dance and Rhapsody in 1

performing at the Pflasterspektakel in Linz

(Tour Opening 2013)

Cosmic Fairytale. Live in Odeon. Vienna. 2011

Israel – Best

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